What are the Features of Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia?

CloudPital #1 Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia has been increasing in the last decade and when it comes to dermatology EMR Software, we see hundreds of dermatology Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software vendors in the IT industry offering different solutions. Since the options are diverse, many dermatologists find it hard to buy the right software for their practice needs. This buyer guide is designed to help you narrow down your basic requirements and buy the best EMR software for your dermatology practice.

CloudPital #1 Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia

What are the Features of Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia?

What are the Features of Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia?


Features of Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia

Since dermatologists treat skin conditions, most of their medical records are based on lab and image tests. This requires software that can easily update patient records frequently. Also, EMR software that can be used on Tablets and smartphones can prove to be very beneficial as images could be captured and sent to the physicians easily. The following are some features you need to look out for while buying an EMR software for your dermatology practice:

Specific Templates

Ever practice has a different workflow. Dermatologists may follow a similar pattern of diagnosis in hospitals, but when it comes to small and medium-sized medical practices, general workflow differs and that’s precisely why we need customizable templates. Also, dermatology-specific practices need some options in their EMR software ready for them to make every patient case easier to document and navigate. The following are some disease-specific templates you need to look out for in the EMR software you are intending to buy:


Skin cancer

Varicose veins


Mole changes




Contusions and lacerations

Comparison Imaging

As mentioned earlier, dermatology relies heavily on imaging and Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia that allows comparison imaging makes it very easy for physicians to carry out the necessary medical procedures and diagnosis. Quality EHR software developed targeted towards dermatologists have advanced image recording modules and are also able to do before and after comparisons in order to track progress. This software is also easier to sync with many digital cameras.

Digital Graphing

Dermatological cases vary from patient to patient and with every new patient, there is something new to add to your electronic medical records software. This all becomes very hectic and time-consuming if you are trying to do everything with a mouse cursor. This is precisely why a good dermatology electronic health records software (E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia) would offer graphics charting with a digital-pen or even touch screen drawing boards. This can make graphics charting much easier.


Since the medical industry keeps finding new diseases among people, the disease codes tend to get updated every now and then. A good EMR Software in Saudi Arabia will be able to self-update to the latest ICD-10 codes and always offer you the required codes for the diseases you are treating and intending to get billed for. You must know that generic EMR software is unable to always keep up with the latest coding for diseases.

Charting Progress

Quality Dermatology EMR Software in Saudi Arabia developed for Dermatology specific medical practices offer modules that make analytical reports and track charting progress. Since visuals and graphical drawings are really important in this medical field, all these things need to be within a physician’s access whenever they plan on operating on a patient. This also makes it easier for clinicians to analyze a patient’s history and allows them to develop progress reports within minutes.


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